If straight edges appear ragged or jaggy Diagonal lines can sometimes appear ragged when scanned and printed. The level of smoothness is influenced by how many dots per inch (dpi) are used to print the line. Printers with higher resolution (for example, 600 dpi) produce smoother lines. >>> Suggestions > Place the original picture on the scanner glass as straight as possible. > Be certain the printer that is selected within the HP PictureScan software accurately represents your printer. For instructions, see How to Specify Your Type of Printer or Picture. Be aware, however, that the HP PictureScan software cannot eliminate the ragged edges when scanning for a low-resolution printer. > If the original picture was automatically identified as a drawing, try specifying its picture type as a photograph and printing the picture to see if that improves it. For instructions, see How to Specify Your Type of Printer or Picture. Be aware that more memory is needed for a photograph than a drawing and the photograph may include areas of gray that did not appear in the original drawing. > If straighter lines are critical, you need to print on a higher-resolution printer. To scan the picture so it takes advantage of the printer's higher resolution, see How to Specify Your Type of Printer or Picture.